
From the Beginning, 1985.

A Vacant Block of Land in 1985.

Proposed Construction Site.

Start of Construction in 1986.

Contruction is well on the way.

Construction of building completed in 1987.

Our First Synthetic Green.

The Shire of Cranbourne called for Tenders in February, 1992.A South Australian based company was accepted by council. The tender was for an 8 rink ( 38.5 x 38.5 m ) sand filled, heat rolled green. The Club President, Mr Geoff Ladner, at the time opposed the tender. He felt the Club would be better serviced with a Victorian based company and suggested Henselite.

After further discussions with Council and guarantee’s of Club protection, Mr King Heylen commenced work on our green on the 10th of April, 1992. Estimated time for completion was 10 weeks but due an extremely long wet spell, combined with some bad management, it took 10 months. It was not until February, 1993 that all the work on and around the green was completed.

Proposed site of the Green 1992.

Our green starts to take shape 1992.

The carpet being laid on the base of the green 1992.

The green is finally finished in March, 1993.

Opening of our first Green, April 1993.

RVBA Vice President, Des Sellenger puts down the first bowl to Officially open our first green. Club President Geoff Ladner ( in dark blue jacket on the left ) looks on.

Our first green had to be replaced 1997, due to the ground under the base sinking on rinks 7 & 8 on the East side.

This is how our green looked in 2006 after 9 years.

In May of 2010 our Lower green was opened . Bowls Victoria President, Graeme Hosken rolled the first bowl to officially open the green. Our Upper green was replaced after 15 years when it suffered severe storm damage.

Our Club is Growing, 2010 onwards.

Since January 2010, our club has under-gone a lot of changes.

2011 Floods.

The old upper green was made playable, but only on 4 rinks which was enought to allow us to finish the Pennant Season. The new lower green had seam splits in many places and had to be repaired. After the repair, it was found that the surface had runs, dips and hollows. After many discussions with the council over 3 years, it was decided that the green be replaced. In 2016 tenders were called and it now looks like we will have a new lower green for 2016-17 bowls season.

A club member standing on the upper green after the flood.

Looking towards the Club-rooms on the lower green.

The following Photographs and comments will show you those changes………..

The Rotundra has been moved from the rear of the Seniors building to the left corner so as work can commence on the 2nd. bowling green.

Construction of the 2nd green starts to take shape.

Constuction of the 2nd green is completed. 2 x 26,000 ltr Water Tanks have been moved into position at the reat of our two greens. An under ground catchment pit pumps the water collected from the 2nd green to the water tanks. A concrete path joins the two greens near the club-rooms and a brick path at the other end.

Shelters, Synthetic grass and gardens placed around 2nd green. Trees and scrubs planted. Many, many cubic metres of mulch put into the north and west gardens. Retaining walls built along the south and east sides of the green. Fence built separating the greens from the Seniors building.

Green-keepers shed, gardiners shed and main storage shed moved to new locaations in preparation of the stage one extensions to our club-rooms (toilets and store-room). Plant nursery built next to gardiners shed.

Stage one extension finished. Upper green is being pulled up ready for replacement.

Midway through the replacement of upper green.

Upper green is finished. Bowls Victoria has given the green an A rating for Pennant.

A third water tank installed along with a high pressure pump for watering the greens and gardens. Another pump installed in the upper green pit to collect rain water from that green. We can harvest over 4,000 litres of water for every mm. of rain.

Shelters placed between upper and lower greens. Water fountain installed on lower green. Swing out shade shelters installed on south side of lower green. Pavers put down for dumpster and waste collection bins. Thatched fence place on cyclone wire fences as a wind break.

In 2014-15 our club invested in the future by having a 10 Kw Solar System installed on the roof of the Club-rooms. The system has reduced our power bill 60 to 70% and will pay for itself in 7 years.

In 2016 the overflow carpark was completed. This was followed by the lower green being replaced with carpet. The club now has two different playing surfaces.

Photo taken Sept. 2017 showing the new over flow carpark (top r/h corner), our 10 Kw Solar System and the New Tables under our veranda.

To the right is our new carpet green.

Our New B.B.Q. Pavilion as seen at night. Construction was finished in 2018-19.

The 2nd stage of extensions to our club-rooms is due to commence on the 17th July, 2023.